
summer learning

  • Explore Your Local Library: Visit the following website to find the library closest to you and obtain a free library card.  Local libraries have scheduled educational activities and events at least one day a week and are equipped with thousands of books for your student.

  • Read daily.  Encourage your student to read at least thirty minutes a day.  This can be in any form, including newspapers, recipes, comic strips, magazines, license plates, or good old fashioned books!
  • Have fun with numbers!  Numbers are all around us.  Have your student help you make a recipe.  See if they can double the recipe, find half of the recipe, etc.  Have your student tally up a bill at the store or try to figure out how much change you should receive. 
  • Be creative!  Encourage your student to draw, color, make collages, etc.  Creativity can be fostered through the summer months.
  • Experiment with science!  Science is all around us.  Watch ice melt, go on a nature walk, analyze flower parts, water plants, etc. 
  • Limit screen time.  Too much screen time is not healthy.  However, if your child does get on an electronic device, the following educational sites will enhance their learning:

    Educational Websites:

    Kindergarten – Fifth Grade

  • FunBrain.Com FunBrain offers something for every student. Educational games have different levels so the practice can be customized. The site has areas dedicated to math and reading. 
  • Smithsonian Institute For Kids Take a closer look at these engaging online exhibits from the Smithsonian Institution covering art, science & nature, history & culture and people & places.
  • Ray V Pottorf’s first through fifth-grade students have access to this online math program that helps students link conceptual to procedural math understanding.  The home code is RAY2MC-LLH-PZ-A4Q
  • Outdoor Math Activities Fun, engaging, and hands-on math activities that can be done outdoors!

    Kindergarten – Second Grade

  • StarFall Phonics Perfect for pre-readers and beginning readers, this site takes a systematic phonics approach and combines it with phonemic awareness practice.  
  • Third – Fifth Grade
  • America's Story Presented by the Library of Congress, students will get caught up in the interactivity of the site as they Meet Amazing Americans, Jump Back in Time, Explore the States, Join America at Play and See, Hear and Sing. Check it out.
  • Fact Monster Discover this well-organized, kid-friendly resource for fun facts and outstanding games and quizzes.
  • National Park Service Web Rangers Complete more than 4 dozen activities—puzzles, mysteries, quizzes, etc.—to earn your “WebRanger” status. The activities vary in difficulty level and topic (parks, animals, nature, people, history, science and puzzles).